Channel IT business news and product information

The editorial content on is for the IT reseller community and comprises a mix of articles on product information, opinion articles, reports, new contract wins, mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, product launches, legislation, government, training initiatives, research and development and the IT reseller vendor community. Regular technology themes include:Audio and VisualBiometrics, AIDC , Mobile Computing , RFID, Convergence Technology/Communications, Data StorageID cardsNetwork TechnologyPower & UPSCloud ComputingPrinting & LabellingDocument ManagementRetail Technology , Securityevents, seminars conferences and exhibitions.


Top Ten Ways to Buy More Time


You can buy more time by using some of our top ten tips to free up your time.

I like the idea, but...


But is such a small word, it seems tiny neutral and harmless. It isnt. In the workplace it is the most popular form of issue raising and because it is so common it carries with it the baggage of abuse.

No Pain No gain


The following story should not be read by those a nervous disposition.

Enthusiasm Sells


High Achieving sales people have always understood that one of the most critical attributes to their success is enthusiasm.

Overcoming the Barriers to Networking


You receive an invite to a networking event, do you immediately think what a wonderful opportunity or do you go under sufferance on the basis that one ought to do it.

Leaders versus managers


The leaders versus managers debate rages on in the management press. Invariably people in organisations say they want more leaders and fewer managers. Perhaps the division is not as real as people think and what organisations really need are managerial leaders at all levels.

Empowerment-what does it really mean?


Having just read through a number of strategic plans I am surprised at the number of times the word empower or a derivative appears. We are an organisation that encourages empowered people; Our values are empowerment, learning, accountability, integrity. So what does this wonderful word empower mean?



Blame is toxic to organisations. When blame is around punishment surely follows. To avoid any form of punishment we deflect blame form ourselves or allocate it to others.

Balancing the work-life scales


Life is a balancing act. It is a challenge each day to juggle all those things that you hold dear. Concentrating on one area of your life can lead to tensions and stress in other areas so a delicate balance is needed to keep things working in the best way for you.

Creativity is for Everyone


Are you of the view that only a few individuals are creative or that it is only truly artistic people who are creative? If you recognize this belief in yourself you are certainly not alone - it is held by the majority of people.

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