Decru Inc., the leader in networked storage security, offers three new, small-footprint appliances for its next-generation Decru DataFort storage security platform: the DataFort E-Series E515 for NAS (Network Attached Storage), the DataFort FC-Series FC525 for SAN (Storage Area Network) and the DataFort T-Series T525 for tape.  In addition, Decru today released DataFort 2.0, a powerful software suite that expands usability and security of the company's solutions. Included in the three new appliances, DataFort 2.0 features new capabilities such as:
- Storage VPN features for secure web-based file access
- Transparent rekeying
- Hardware-accelerated compression for tape encryption, and
- CryptoShred permanent data deletion.

Due to the massive growth in stored data in the past few years, storage security has now become a top priority for organisations worldwide, with 67% of companies reporting internal breaches of their systems in the last 12 months. Perimeter defence - protecting an organisation from external attacks - is no longer sufficient: According to the FBI/Computer Security Institute, 50-80% of computer attacks now originate from within the organisation.

"Storage security is proving to be the weakest link for enterprises and government," said Joanna Shields, Managing Director for Decru EMEA. "Companies are discovering that firewalls and other perimeter security measures offer no protection from inside threats. In addition, leaving sensitive data unencrypted on storage devices means data theft is not a question of 'whether', but of 'when'."

"Many corporate security officers are focused on protecting the megabytes in flight, when they should really be worrying about the terabytes at rest," said Jon Oltsik, senior analyst with Enterprise Storage Group. "Any company that deals with client data needs to address storage security this year - it 's a matter of best practices and compliance. Customers need a platform like Decru DataFort 2.0 that combines high security with simplicity."

The Decru DataFort appliance combines secure access controls, authentication, storage encryption, and secure logging to provide unprecedented protection for sensitive stored data.  By locking down stored data with strong encryption and routing all access through secure hardware, DataFort radically simplifies the security model for networked storage. New features of the 2.0 platform include:

- Storage VPN: Decru DataFort E-series appliances for NAS environments
include Storage VPN features, enabling remote users to securely access stored files using a web client, password, and optional smart card authentication. All data is encrypted at rest and transmitted over encrypted SSL connections, and can be shared without changes to existing storage or file structures. Support for the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) standard enables drag-and-drop access to files over the Internet. DataFort also supports IPsec for authentication and encryption of data in flight. Organisations can use Storage VPN features to provide network storage access for contractors or remote employees, create secure vaults for partner data sharing, streamline supplier and customer interactions, and insure the integrity and confidentiality of materials distributed to board members.

- Transparent Rekeying: This unique, patent-pending technology, now
available on DataFort E-Series appliances for NAS, enables organisations to encrypt or rekey existing files in place without taking the data offline. DataFort FC-series appliances for SAN environments have supported block-level rekeying starting with version 1.0. Initial encryption occurs in the background, without degrading network or storage performance. This feature can also be used by organisations that wish to rekey block or file-level data in accordance with their security policies.

- Tape Compression: Decru DataFort FC525 and T525 appliances support
hardware-accelerated compression for tape encryption. This feature enables encryption of sensitive data on tape without affecting backup windows or expanding the size of stored data. Previous versions provided software-based compression.

- CryptoShredT  Secure Deletion: Cleartext data written to disk is
essentially indelible -  modern forensic techniques can easily recover cleartext information from deleted files and disks. Decru CryptoShred features, available for all DataFort models, enable electronic file shredding so that data can be securely and permanently deleted from disks. Decru DataFort ensures that sensitive or regulated data is written to disk in encrypted format, and all encryption keys are stored in secure hardware. CryptoShred erases centralised encryption keys, instantly deleting all copies of data regardless of location or storage media. Applications range from the data centre to the battlefield. Decru CryptoShred has been certified by the U.S. Department of Defense for compliance with its 5015.2 directive for secure records management.

Additional features in the 2.0 release include an updated web user interface for administration, and support for multiple administrator roles, large clusters, load balancing, and CIFS Kerberos authentication.

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